
Navigating the Path to Success: A Journey Through Goal Setting

Ambition is often fueled by the desire to achieve specific goals. Goal setting provides direction, purpose, and a roadmap for personal and professional growth. Embarking on a journey post-graduation in 2024, I set out with a clear vision of short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals. The foundation of my ambition lies in the power of goal […]

Game Cosmetics Video Games

The Ethics of In-Game Monetization: A Deep Dive into Destiny 2’s Cosmetics Controversy

In the ever-evolving landscape of the gaming industry, the debate surrounding in-game monetization continues to rage on. Recent developments in games like Destiny 2 have raised important questions about the ethics and fairness of these practices. Drawing inspiration from articles such as Paul Tassi’s piece on Forbes titled “Destiny 2 Is Now Reselling Old Seasonal […]


Embracing Innovation and Community: A Journey with Steam

Hello, fellow gamers and enthusiasts! It’s a pleasure to connect with all of you through this platform. As the spokesperson for Valve Corporation’s transformative campaign for Steam, Gabe Newell, I’m excited to share my thoughts and experiences that I believe will resonate with each one of you. A Shared Passion First things first – let’s […]

Video Games

The Power of Personalization: How Video Games Are Redefining Player Experiences

Exploring the Impact of Personalization in Video Games In the dynamic world of video games, player engagement, and immersion are crucial elements for success. As digital marketers in the gaming industry, it’s essential to understand the evolving landscape and the strategies that can captivate players. One such strategy that has gained momentum and transformed the […]